Boilers and Furnaces
Pellet heating is central, fully automated wood heat that consumes dependable, stable, renewable fuel that is procured locally. Through pellet heating, consumers are creating local jobs and can feel good about their heat and hot water helping the environment. Whether you are heating a home, school, business, or community center, we can help you find the perfect wood pellet boiler or furnace.

Learn more about products from MESys.
Autopellet Boiler
AutoPellet Staged Boilers
The end-user impacts are significant. The end-user positive economic effects come from three sources; all of which act to keep money in the regional economy and create jobs and increased tax revenues.
The effects are:
- Money that would have been spent on heating oil can stay in the local economy through locally-made wood pellet fuel.
- Home and business heating bills are reduced and the added disposable income can be reinvested with local businesses.
- The supply chain for wood pellet fuel creates new jobs for loggers, truckers, and pellet manufacturers and sustains jobs in the fuel delivery sector. That new income will also be spent in the region as it develops its own pellet fuel production facilities.
This council is committed to finding ways to help reduce our energy costs and thereby help keep our taxes down, the installation of our second MESys pellet boiler is a testament to that commitment.
—Andrew MacLean, Mayor, Gardiner, Maine
The good news is, there are more and more pellet boiler and furnace options on the market in North America. People now understand their financial and environmental advantages and business people see the opportunity to support that understanding.
The rest of the news is, you have to do a little homework before you buy one to make sure your expectations are matched by the convenience, capabilities, and costs of the system you buy.
Here are some questions that will help you clarify your expectations and understand the products you consider before you buy.
Does the manufacturer require or recommend a second heating system as backup for the pellet system?
How often do I need to physically clean, or otherwise maintain, this pellet boiler or furnace?
How long can I leave this new pellet boiler or furnace system unattended and expect it to maintain heat in my home? What limits that period?
How much fuel can I store and how long will that heat my house under normal winter conditions?
Are there plenty of trained technicians around who can service the boiler or furnace if something happens to the relationship with the installer?
What is the burn back protection system on my new pellet boiler or furnace system?
Do I need to dump fuel in my boiler or furnace or storage unit, or is it received from a bulk delivery service?
Do I need to manually remove ash from the firebox?
Does the boiler or furnace system automatically clean the heat exchanger surfaces at regular intervals? Am I ever required to clean the heat exchanger surfaces?
Does my burner need to shut down and/or cool down periodically to remove ash from the burner bowl/surface? If yes, does this lead to a cold start (a start using fresh pellets)?
Does this pellet boiler or furnace modulate (vary its power output based on outdoor temperature and boiler demand)? If yes, is it documented to be efficient and clean at all achievable power levels?
Is mass thermal storage recommended or required for my pellet boiler?